
Akshay Kumar


I am a person who loves to code. Coding for me has always been by choice and not by chance. I am an open source enthusiast,
and have been contributing to open source for the past 2 years now, firstly at Fossasia and then at KDE.


Google Summer of Code 2019

Successfully completed Google Summer of Code 2019, in KDE's project Gcompris. The Idea was to create multiple datasets for activities in Gcompris. Multiple datasets helped in adding granularity in the levels of an activity, so that the user can choose a dataset as per his need or he might even want to begin with an easier dataset and then make his way to the top.
Status Report

Smart India Hackathon 2019

Won the first prize under the problem statement given by company Kokuyo Camlin. The idea was to create a real time data visualisation system for factories and industries, so that the readings of various equipments can be monitored continuously and if can be acted upon from the same system.

Annual Intercollege hackathons

  • 2nd Prize IIT Ropar 2018
  • 3nd Prize IIT Ropar 2017
  • 3rd Prize PEC Chandigarh 2018


Tracking board for unsafe acts

Created a centralized tracking board API, as a Smart India Hackathon Project, for storing data of machines inside an industry in real time using websockets protocol,
along with configurable UI for visualizing the data from the API. Also added functionality to trigger alarms in case
if some parameters reach critical values.
Deployed at: Heroku


An ethereum based online bidding platform where a user can create an auction and the rest is managed by a smart contract
to prevent unfair practices in the process of anonymous auctions.
Deployed at: Heroku

Website for PGI

Created a website rarembd.com, currently being used by the endocrinology department of PGIMER,
to store there patient's data. Implemented the entire frontend,
backend and database which contained multidimensional attributes for single patients
Deployed at: Link



waste it once....pay for it twiceReact, Java, Android Studio, XML, Matic, deck.gl


Tiranga is a free and open-source application developed on top of the Polygon network. The purpose is to promote better citizenship through government-registered entities.Solidity, Nodejs, reactjs, Web3js, Polygon


A gaming protocol that offers a no-code infrastructure to any game, allowing developers to make their game NFT compatible and provide players the opportunity to make money from it.Solidity, HTML, CSS, The Graph, reactjs, Polygon Mumbai, Push(EPNS)




  • KDE - Google Summer of Code 2019 Student Developer

    -- Worked on KDE’s Project Gcompris to add multiple datasets to activities.
    -- Improved activity code by integrating logic to use multiple datasets instead of a single one.
    -- Improved the reach of an activity my making it usable for students of various age groups
    -- Leveraged knowledge of version control tools like git, phabricator, arcanist and languages like qml, javascript, Qt.

  • Block8 - FullStack Developer Intern
    June 2018 - July 2018

    -- Built an ethereum based anonymous bidding platform named bidchain.
    -- Improved the current process of auction organization by moving it to the ethereum blockchain.
    -- Automated the process of announcement of auction winner by using smart contracts.
    Improved the accessibility of the product by creating an entire frontend application from scratch.
    -- Leveraged knowledge in Ethereum Blockchain, React js, meteor js, truffle framework, web3.js.

  • Chaincode Consulting LLP - Blockchain Developer Intern
    January 2019 - May 2019

    -- Studied the architecture of hyperledger fabric.
    -- Worked on making the fabric network more dynamic by using Fabric CA instead of static certificate
    generators like cryptogen.
    -- Worked on improving the network reach by adding functionality to dynamically add new orgs.
    -- Leveraged knowledge in hyperledger fabric architecture and implementation, node js, GoLang.

  • AppyHigh - Backend Developer
    May 2020 - October 2021
  • Smallcase - SDE
    October 2021 - Present