FitMe-your personal Coach

The life coach definition is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential. They are supportive friend and a trusted adviser hence right now we are here to do the same.

The problem FitMe-your personal Coach solves

FitMe started with the whole notion to create healthy society and solve health through mix of exercise, food and meditation.
Health is critical problem and definitely problem of masses. Holistic approach is the right way to proceed but, it needs to be in a habit to make it happen - Else results will not be effective. Eating + Exercise + Meditation is the right mix of approach taken by us that is FitMe but - important question to answer here - How will it fit with athelites life cycle? So we bring you multiple reasons to stay fit and disciplined. Now since athelites once retired, they dont know how to get back to their normal routine and most importantly stay fit and healthy. so now we FitMe have introduced Schedule, Achievements, Calender and my goals sections to give you the desired product and we are sure it does implement to a greater audience in future.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges include errors which are quite traumatic but somehow managed to do so. sometimes modules wasn't build initially or git hub wasn't working properly. Also network connection was not stable hence it was quite dificult to implement.
