
Vijay Harkare

A result-oriented professional interested in software engineering and development. Skilled in Python, Django, React.js, Java, C++, ROS, Arduino and Machine Learning and AI. Also, a creative problem solver, analytical thinker and a team collaborator, with good interpersonal skills.

** 1. Sensory Neuron Generation (ongoing) - A system analogous to the neuronal structures in the brain, which takes in tactile signals from a tactile sensor array attached to a robotic hand / glove, classifies the grasped object using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN), and also forms the 3D model of that object.
2. CarSale - A portal where buyers and sellers can accurately estimate the price of their used cars. This application was developed by my team ‘Outliers’ as part of the 24-hour Datahack 1.0 Datathon organized by DJSCE S4DS at DJSCE (online), and it included various machine learning models (which were deployed using the given features and image dataset) included Random Forest classifier, and custom CNNs for feature extraction and price estimation. It also included web scraping to gain insights from external web sources. Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn, BeautifulSoup, Django and Streamlit were the main tools used.
3. Smart Energy Management System - A smart energy management system implemented using Raspberry Pi microcontroller. This IoT system was designed by my team ‘Sleep Deprived’ as part of the 24-hour LOC Hackathon organized by DJSCE ACM at DJSCE. The front end was developed using React, while the back end of the application was developed using Django REST Framework. Regression models were deployed to predict various parameters like temperature, light intensity, motion, etc., and appropriate adjustment measures were implemented.
4. Finding Partners - A dating app based on user profile matching designed using Django REST Framework in the backend and React in the frontend. This application was designed by my team ‘Sleep Deprived’ as part of the 24-hour COC Hackathon organized by DJSCE IETE SF and DJSCE Trinity at DJSCE. It uses modified Genetic Algorithm for deriving the profile scoring formula and multi-level filtering for getting profile recommendations.
5. Educelerate - An online education platform which provides extremely personalized and one-to-one education recommendations based on users’ interests and preferences, to students related to courses and verticals. This application was developed by my team ‘Sleep Deprived’ as part of the 24-hour Hackathon 7.0 organized by the Rajasthan Government and PWSkills. NLTK, PyTorch, Scikit-learn, Transformers, BERT, GPT 3.5, Django and React were the main tools and models used.
6. ReadyRunaways Travel Website - A travel app which provides intuitive information about various travel locations in India. It also contains integrated Google functionalities like Google Search and Google Maps. Users can also book tours from the website. The website has been built with Django as the main framework.
7. Multi-step registration form using Django - A registration form to collect user data containing navbar for easy navigation along with an integrated database (MySQL).
8. Desktop App Login Page with Authentication using Python - A login page for a desktop application, with authentication, registration and a “Forgot Password” feature.
9. Basic website development - Implementation of Google main page, Google search, Google Advanced Search and Google Image Search
10. Artificial Neural Network using Java - An implementation of a simple neural network from scratch, using Java. All supporting modules for matrix operations have also been implemented in Java from scratch.


FitMe-your personal Coach

The life coach definition is someone professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential. They are supportive friend and a trusted adviser hence right now we are here to do the same.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma, Material Design, Material-UI, React.js, Bootstrap​


We take care of the Earth for you.React, Django, Raspberry Pi, Machine Learning, Electric Motor, Relay Module, IR Sensor, Sensors, Camera, Iot

Smart Parent

A comprehensive control application for your child's digital lifeDjango, Dart, Git, Flutter, GitHub, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Monitering, React.js, Django rest framework, Google Cloud API


Machine Learning