Created on 25th April 2021
The CoronaVirus Pandemic taught us about how fitness can impact ones mental and physical health.
This Web Application solves the problem most families face. Working out.
With the help of a mood tracker as well as a Workout suggester, this web app streamlines the process for working out.
Getting Small children to focus can be an issue. But when an environment is placed in front of them, that enables them to interact with it effectively, and children get excited. We did exactly this. Using OpenCV, we made a limb tracking feature that allows kids to play their favourite games, physically. Instead of sitting in a corner and being inactive, the same game is now made more engaging.
Having such a workout application makes life much safer, especially during these trying times.
Going to the gym is not an option for many, while working out in the confines and safety of your own home sounds much more appealing.
We ran into BackEnd challenges as we weren't effectively able to provide streamlined data to the user.
Technologies used