Find My School

Find My School

Give a boost to your the school hunting journey, by finding the perfect school on Find My School.

Created on 7th January 2023

Find My School

Find My School

Give a boost to your the school hunting journey, by finding the perfect school on Find My School.

The problem Find My School solves

When it comes to finding a university/college/school and the relevant course with required facilities, It becomes a tough job to choose a perfect university for future education of the students. Before making this crucial decision in life, Students go through very deep research and sometimes it becomes so much overwhelming and confusing. We solve this problem and make this process easier for the students to make a final decision. We shows all the recommended Schools/Colleges, the courses offered by them, their reviews, ratings and all the facilities they provides. By using these info student can narrow down their hunt and make a perfect decision. This solves so much hassle on the way.

Challenges we ran into

  • It was a challenge for us that how to get all the university data and all the courses offered by them on larger scale. We thought about a solution that is Web scrapping using python. By web scrapping the websites of the universities we can get access to so much of the data about that university.
  • It was a our first time building complete application using React


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