

Decentralized spotify using filecoin storage and Artist Nfts



Decentralized spotify using filecoin storage and Artist Nfts

The problem Filfy solves

We hate when we get that spotify ad in between of our music,for solving that problem we created filfy in which both users and Artist will be benifited.

How we solve it :
1>We create Artist nft and user will buy that nft,after buying,the particular user can access all songs which are uploaded by that artist into his collection.
2>User can trade those artist Nfts for other nfts.
3>User can add songs to favourites which will be mapped to their wallet address
4>Streamer can create his own profile with his name and description.

Tracks Applied (2)


We are using filecoin storage to store songs uploaded by user and we also have deployed the smart contract on Filevoin V...Read More



We are using filecoin and polygon chain to store users and streamers data.

Technologies used
