Created on 13th March 2022
As young women, we noticed that mental and physical health is stigmatized and not talked about enough in our society.
More often than not, women struggle in silence. From our own experiences and the experiences of the women around us we have noticed a distinct lack of information and support. Using our website women can access accurate information about conditions including but not limited to PCOS, Breast Cancer etc.
We decided to tackle Goal 3 (good Health and well-being) and Goal 5 (Gender Equality) from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our project hope to bridge a gap in the healthcare support and information available to women thus improving their quality of life.
Since no one on the team has any prior design or backend experience we struggled a lot with implementing a PHP database into our website for login and sign up forms. We also faced issues in deployment of the website since we not only have a PHP database connected but also a Flask application for the Chatbot Machine Learning Model.
Technologies used