

An app to help you manage your expenditure.



An app to help you manage your expenditure.

The problem Expendio solves

The expenditure management app helps individuals track their monthly spending and set goals to better manage their finances. It provides a clear overview of where money is being spent and allows users to set limits on their spending in various categories, such as groceries, entertainment, and bills. User can upload images of their invoices/bills and the app automatically adds the information to their account in secure way. The app supports user authentication through Google. The app also includes charts and graphs that visualize the user's spending habits over time, helping them to identify areas where they may be able to set targets for the user-selected categories and track the spending set timeline.

Challenges we ran into

The following are the challenges we ran while making expendio:

  1. Integrating the front-end and back-end: For the app to function smoothly we were required to integrate the front-end, built using React, with the back-end, built using Node.js. This involves making sure that the two systems communicate.
  2. We wanted the user to be able to upload invoices and bills directly to his/her account therefore we were required to properly process the invoice in the backend we ended up using an npm package to scan invoices.
  3. We also had to make sure the user finds the experience of using our app interactive. we used multiple graphs for the user to visualize the expenditure and manage his goals.
