I am a software enthusiast. I have
been learning web development and coding for the past 4 years. I have worked with C, C++, Java, javascript programming languages. As part of my summer internship at Convegenius, I had worked with AWS (dynamodb, redis, cloudwatch, lambda, etc.) in developing a chatbot which allows the users to see the top 50 news of the selected category in the form of a card carousal.
Web Technologies: Node.js, React.js, MongoDB, SQL
(i) Social Media Application : It allows the users to connect with other users and share pictures, videos etc. and post comments. The users can post, edit, upvote, downvote, delete posts and edit their profiles.
(ii) Discussion Forum: Developed a webapp which allows users to post questions for which the other users can comment and answer. Implemented one level of nesting of comments and authentication through Google OAuth. User can see the posts in reverse chronological order and can upvote, downvote, comment, answer to the post on the home page and can also edit his/her profile. The admin can blacklist posts, comments and the users.
(iii) Hospital Management System: Patients can sign up. Doctors can login through the credentials they receive through mail once admin creates their
account. Admin can create the opd-schedule of any doctor. Patients can book an appointment of a doctor by choosing the department, date and one of the free time slots. Patients and doctors can see their respective pending and past appointments. Admin can see all the appointments. Patients and doctors can cancel an appointment and admin can edit the opd-schedule of any doctor.