
A platform to help educational institutions to conduct their exams in multiple centers so that students can avoid traveling long distances.

Created on 14th August 2021



A platform to help educational institutions to conduct their exams in multiple centers so that students can avoid traveling long distances.

The problem eHalls solves

With the Covid 19 pandemic, educational institutions have been shut down and classes are being continued online. Online exams have proven to be ineffective due to lack of proper invigilation. As a result, institutions are forced to call their students to the campus to conduct offline exams. Some students have to travel over long distances to reach their campus. This is risky to both the student as well as the people they come in contact with.

There are several pandemic related issues faced by students that dont live close to their campus, all leading to a greater risk of exposure:

  1. They have to travel long distances over public transport.
  2. They have to stay in crowded dorms.
  3. They have to dine outside.
  4. Social distancing becomes nearly impossible.
  5. Campus becomes overpopulated during exam seasons.
  6. Long distance travelers have to undergo self isolation.
  7. Lot of additional expenses.

Some institutions have tried conducting online exams and have faced the following challenges:

  1. Network issues.
  2. Proper invigilation.
  3. Increased expenses for students.
  4. Malpractices.

Challenges we ran into

App development beginners.


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