Evidence Vault

Evidence Vault

Our system leverages Web3 IPFS tech to securely store crime evidence, ensuring immutability. Integrating AI and machine learning, it maintains evidence integrity, enhancing trust and transparency.

The problem Evidence Vault solves

Evidence Vault revolutionizes how unreported criminal cases are addressed, starting with the secure storage of evidence on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Users can submit crucial evidence, including location details, descriptions, and files in image or audio format, with assurance that their anonymity is preserved.
To maintain the integrity of submitted evidence, our platform employs advanced AI/ML technology, which rigorously checks each file for deep fake content before storing it on IPFS. This proactive measure ensures that only authentic evidence contributes to the fight against crime, bolstering trust and reliability in the legal process.

Beyond providing a secure submission platform, Evidence Vault utilizes the data from reported cases to generate insightful graphs. These visualizations pinpoint hotspots of criminal activity across the country, offering valuable insights for both law enforcement and citizens. By identifying trends and patterns, these graphs empower stakeholders to better understand and address crime in their communities.
Evidence Vault's comprehensive approach not only simplifies the process of addressing unreported criminal cases but also contributes to creating safer and more informed communities nationwide. With our platform, taking a stand against crime becomes not only safer but also more impactful in promoting justice and security for all.

Challenges we ran into

1.Integrating IPFS into our dApp: We faced challenges integrating IPFS into our dApp due to our team's first-time experience with the technology. Overcoming technical hurdles and learning IPFS architecture were key tasks.
2.Developing AI/ML model for detecting deep fake images: Creating an AI/ML model to detect deep fake images posed a significant challenge. This involved researching deep learning algorithms, data preprocessing, and optimizing model performance while ensuring accurate real-time detection.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

Our project, Evidence Vault, is a pioneering addition to the Ethereum track at EthIndia, leveraging blockchain technolog...Read More

