Created on 22nd March 2020
The Indian tourism industry has a market size of about $26.78B as of 2019. However, the theft, scam and overcharging of money from the tourists is not only deteriorating the Indian values but also reducing people's will to visit India thereby hurting the market value.
We at Gallico came up with a platform that offers a personalized experience to the places they want to visit or try out different services and assures No more exploitation of the tourists due to scams as the travel package involves the actual money involved accompanied by the verified guides. Add to that it offers flight and cab booking with the help of a chatbot with Ethereum as a payment mode. Also, Ethereum can be bought from our platform and guides can be hired or verified.
Hosting a react app was something we had never done before, we had to follow many tutorials to build the production material successfully and host it on netlify. Along with this, we had never worked with wyre API used for buying Ethereum so it took us hours to go through the documentation and align it with our frontend and in the end, it worked perfectly fine.