
Innovating Democracy

The problem Envision solves

In any country democratic voting is the most important event that allow its citizens to exercise their power by voting and electing their representatives. And to protect this right of the citizens, conducting fair elections is the basic prerequisite for any country. In a democratic system, every vote counts. But still many adult citizens don't go to cast their votes on election day. They may be out of town or may be they feel the voting center is too far. Some might not go because they feel and believe that their vote doesn't count because of the unfair election results. Even the responsible citizen who go to vote have to stand in long queue to cast votes. In the current system, voting is done generally either by writing your opinion on paper or by electronic voting machines. Replacement of this system is necessary to limit the voting frauds and to make the voting as well as counting process more transparent. Further a system is required that makes voting more convenient for the voters a system that minimizes the cost of conducting elections as money spent on national elections is huge. A system which allows us to vote even when we are traveling abroad or are not present in our home state. We are a society that prefers to live online, right from ordering food, to booking cabs, and even for shopping our daily groceries. Then why can't we cast our votes and select our representatives with a few taps or clicks on the screen. Why can't there be a system where we can vote online through the comfort of our homes. Though many online voting systems have been proposed in the past, we don't see them in reality.

Challenges we ran into

The Internet voting system tends to maximize user participation, by allowing them to vote from anywhere and allowing access from different computer systems and from any device that has an internet connection. Voting on the Internet provides a safe and private channel that allows all users to participate on equal terms. Increased accessibility for residents abroad and for persons with difficulties in travelling or reduced mobility. This also has a positive impact on the final turnout and therefore on the legitimacy of the election. The reduction in organizational and implementation costs significantly increases the efficiency of election management compared to the offline voting system.
