
Yadvi Bhalla

I am Yadvi and i am a passionate learner. I love anything that has to do with programming and Web Development. Well anything with technology i should say! . I believe in the power of programming to transform and improve the lives of people around the world. Luckily, I'm obsessed with staying organized and making everyone's life easier. I educate, refine and drive myself to be a better person. As a Computer Science cyber security student in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai. And if you thought that i am good at creativity, i couldn't help appreciating your beautiful imagination!
My specialties include quickly learning new skills and programming languages and problem solving. So far i have JavaScript, CSS, HTML, jQuery, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Node.js, and Git/GitHub under my belt. I have started learning react and angular. I am still enthusiastically grabbing onto other programming languages, frameworks or principles I can integrate into the coding web in my head. I also have a good grasp over the fundamental knowledge in IT support and troubleshooting networking issues.



"We build your talk". Vizen is a web-app that converts voice input to handwritten docs and also allows you to take pdf output. Our aim is to simplify student online learning.HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, reactjs

Envision - Smart मतदान

Innovating Democracy: The online blockchain-based voting system for India's General Elections. It's redefined and most secure way to vote at your place, time and convenience.HTML, Flask, OpenCV, CSS3, MERN stack, Blockchain, Javascript with ejs


Innovating DemocracyHTML, Bootstrap, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, OpenCV, Python, MongoDB


Red Hat Linux