"Undoing Our Atrocities"

The problem ENVIRONMENTAL AURA solves

As we know , the number of trees in an area has a direct relation with the temperature of that area. We can also apply this notion to the whole world. Our team will study the past vegetation history of that region and climate change. We’ll find out the average temperature change of that region and how many trees must be planted to reverse that change. We have also devised a formula for that after extensive research. We’ll make a website where people can check the demographic change of their local areas and they can also see the solution in the form of the number of trees needed to be planted in that region. We all know afforestation helps in coping with climate change and global warming but we always come with an excuse how our small efforts can change the whole environment. So,our idea helps people in identifying problems in their immediate surroundings and locals will come ahead joining hands in hands to solve that problem. We are also providing them a platform to form a community and work together in improving the environment of their locality. We'll add some more things like after working on a website we can also provide them with more information like where they can do their afforestation projects and what are major contributors of climate change in their region. The main targeted problems are global warming, climate change , pollution and rise in temperature around the globe. We are uniting people so that they come together and solve these problems collectively and feel accountable for it.

Challenges we ran into

Building webgl using unity. Integrating unity project with website.
