.Am a good listener and can manage people well.
.Am stupendously curious about things.
.A learner of the business market and stocks.
.Am a hard worker.
Weakness *
Mention them in points.
.Try to do too many things at a time making.
.Could be hard on me at times
.Be quite talkative.
What to make this project to learn new things and get to know new people.
"Changing The Unchanged"HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, GitHub, Django rest frameworkDenihify
From Depression to Deep RestCSS, Django, JavaScript, IBM Watson, Django rest framework, HTML5, Tone Analyzer, Watson DiscoveryToi-LINK
Changing the UNchanged!Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, Embedded Javascript (EJS), Express.js, MongoDB Atlas, Mapbox APIParkShare
Your Parking Spot,their Solution!HTML, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, Mongo Atlas, Beeceptor, Map-box api and EXPRESS frameworkSkills
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