

This is a rest api containing all the information from the election 2079 B.S. The information includes the elected candidates from their respective area, the respective votes and parties in real time.


Created on 5th January 2023



This is a rest api containing all the information from the election 2079 B.S. The information includes the elected candidates from their respective area, the respective votes and parties in real time.

The problem Electionapi solves

It can be mainly used by the web developers to get the organized data of the election 2079 B.S. We used the official site of nepali news portal, ekantipur to get the data so it is official. With this api, web developers making specific website about the election can get the data in json format and also in real time, making it easier for them to use and help the locals to know about the latest voting scores earned by the elected candidates. It is implemented in the website : https://ktmelection.netlify.app/

Challenges I ran into

I used heroku to deploy the app and after it turned its terms and conditions to paid form, it gave me some difficulties even though i had github student partnership.


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