Edu for All DAO

Edu for All DAO

A Sustainable Decentrailized Learing DAO powered by LivePeer.

The problem Edu for All DAO solves

  • Motivates students to participate and complete courses.
  • Suggests tutors a sustainable incentive model to participate.
  • Become a network for knowledge sharing
  • Also give some nudges for the students with PUSH protocol (Channel: eduforall-staging-channel)

Challenges we ran into

Incentive Structure: Tokenomics and the incentive structure are main features of our project. We have elaborated on it with several researchs and use cases.

Superfluid: We had struggled to delploy IBTx token contract on truffle environment with SDK, however, we did it!

Truffle: Not like in the official documents, typechain truffle-v5 returns uint256 as string not BigNumber when the return type of contract function is struct. However, we got over it!
