Edu for All DAO

Edu for All DAO

A Sustainable Decentrailized Learing DAO powered by LivePeer.

Created on 19th February 2023

Edu for All DAO

Edu for All DAO

A Sustainable Decentrailized Learing DAO powered by LivePeer.

The problem Edu for All DAO solves

  • Motivates students to participate and complete courses.
  • Suggests tutors a sustainable incentive model to participate.
  • Become a network for knowledge sharing
  • Also give some nudges for the students with PUSH protocol (Channel: eduforall-staging-channel)

Challenges we ran into

Incentive Structure: Tokenomics and the incentive structure are main features of our project. We have elaborated on it with several researchs and use cases.

Superfluid: We had struggled to delploy IBTx token contract on truffle environment with SDK, however, we did it!

Truffle: Not like in the official documents, typechain truffle-v5 returns uint256 as string not BigNumber when the return type of contract function is struct. However, we got over it!

Tracks Applied (5)

Polygon: Open Track

We have deployed our products on Polygon network. We tried to integrate polygon ID also, however, due to lack of time, w...Read More

Polygon Technology

Superfluid - General Track

We have suggested coooooooool payment system with superfluid. It can be used as incentives with our "Refund remain money...Read More



We provide video lectures with livepeer & IPFS hostings. We will add live streamings for live sessions and conferences a...Read More


Push Protocol

We have integrated push alarms for students which notify homeworks and lecture updates.

Push Protocol

ConsenSys: Truffle + Infura

We have integrated our solution with truffle, and deployed on Optimism.



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