I've been working in blockchain industry since 2017, as researcher and developer while auditing and developing L2 client (Plasma), yield-farming DeFi service, and dex aggregator in South Korea.
Edu for All DAO
A Sustainable Decentrailized Learing DAO powered by LivePeer.Solidity, React, JavaScript, GitHub, Livepeer, Truffle Suite, Superfluid, Polygon, Optimism, PushProtocolStakeSwap
Stakeswap is an an AMM-based DEX, based on Uniswap V2. It guarantee double revenue sources to LPs, by automatically swapping ETH to LSDs or directly staking into the liquidity pool.Solidity, TypeScript, Hardhat, foundry, uniswap-v2MooyAAho
Voice ZK & Account Abstraction applied wallet which is secured by your voice.Solidity, React, PyTorch, EZKL, Foundry + Anvil + Cast, Skandha bundler, Blockscout, Wagmi + Viem, Alchemy AA SDKSkills