Rent more than just NFTs...rent their attributes as per your choice

The problem DynaNFT solves

In today's scenario, renting NFT is a growing by popularity. But there is no such protocol or infastructure that also deals with Dynamic NFTs. Enter DynaRent, where you pay only for the "attributes" you use in the Dynamic NFT. Basically, you now not only borrow an NFT but you can borrow an "attribute separately". The payment is done using Superfluid so they pay only for their usage and pay no more penny. This increases flexibility and opens up endless possibility in the field of gaming, ticketing, token gated content and what not. We also provide an API to induce renting in any application of yours. Join us in the to build the renting infastructure of metaverse.

Challenges we ran into

  1. We came across problems with superfluid that is the main part of our application.
    Documentations helped a lot and we were being able to solve the problem with docs and youtube tutorials.
  2. We had bugs while integrating the Dynamic NFT with superfluid and then to push protocol. But finally we were able to make it work with help from stack overflow and youtube.
  3. We faced issues with Chainlink automation/Cron job but we were able to integrate it successfully in our smart contract.

Tracks Applied (6)

Polygon: Open Track

We have used Polygon chain to deploy our smart contracts. Our application lives on the Polygon Mumbai testnet to ensure ...Read More

Polygon Technology

Superfluid - General Track

We have used Superfluid to enable money streaming in our application. Superfluid is being used to update streams as the...Read More



We have used ChainLink to get data of price feed for DAI to USD. As our application is based on renting of NFTs and ther...Read More


Quicknode: Built on QuickNode RPC

We used Quicknode RPC to deploy our smart contracts. This helped us to get faster nodes to enable faster deployment.


QuickNode: NFT API

We tried using Quicknode NFT API to fetch all NFTs from wallet. We implemented the complete workflow for it.


Push Protocol

We have used the Push Protocol for notification. We have used the Push Protocol SDK to enable this feature. A notificati...Read More

Push Protocol
