I'm currently in my pre final of college. I've been into Blockchain Technology for about a year. I was selected and awarded a scholarship for a course on Blockchain Technology at Masters' Union School of Business, Haryana, India. I also took part in a hackathon organized by Polygon and developed a Decentralized Bank along with my teammates. I along with my team secured 2nd position on the BUIDL For Web3 hackathon organized by Lumos Labs. I'm currently a full-stack and blockchain developer intern at OSFD. I'm also researching on the applications of Blockchain in energy sector.
Streamlined the design-to-development workflow by utilizing Next.js and Tailwind CSS to efficiently convert Figma wireframes into polished front-end designs.
Led the integration of front-end designs with backend databases and smart contracts, ensuring data consistency and security.
Successfully deployed applications to AWS, ensuring efficient and scalable web solutions during my frontend developer internship.
Worked on the Design and Development part of a fully responsive webpage for a particular section of itjobxs.com.
Worked on User Verification/Authentication Engineering challenges of detecting and removing fake bots and posts.
Integrated Re-captcha with the website - Google Layer of Protection for websites.