The problem:-
During the 1st dose of vaccination, about 200 people were waiting for their turn. Some people were in a rush, Some people were patiently waiting for their turn, and many didn’t bother social distancing. Overcrowding and congested vaccination centers are major problems. The chaos and lack of proper organization make transmission of virus a lot easier.
People are covering a lot of distance to reach the vaccination center. Few people didn't get any vaccination even after reaching the center on the given slot. Because of the chaos, the old and specially-abled citizens cannot be vaccinated.
In the future, vaccinations will be available for 12-15-year-old children. Children might feel a little discomfort at vaccination centers.
Vaccination Vans are mobile. By using an efficient way, we can reduce overcrowding. Vaccine Vans can be booked by a group of people, from a street, or from a society. The Vans go to the location which will be given by the group of people. In this way, if there is a shortage of vaccines on the day a group books, simply the booking gets canceled, in this way the traveling problem is solved for the citizen/person. If that person checks that he is a senior citizen or a specially-abled person, then we can do a near-to-door vaccination. In the future, when vaccinations are available for 12-15-year-old, it might be easier for them to adapt in this way as the vaccine comes to their area.
Technologies used