
Abhiram Chakravadhanula

I am a Game Developer, Augmented Reality Researcher, and Blockchain Enthusiast. I like to explore different fields of interest and level up my skills. I am strong when placed in a team and I am passionate about the work that I have to deal with.


The Vegan House

Environmental Revolutionary ModelHTML, CSS, Unity, Flutter

CRA - Covid Response Application.

Awareness on Number of Covid-19 cases. Symptoms causing Coronavirus. Necessary Precautions. Contact with doctors with avideo call. Payment Gateway through Ethereum. Easy to use for below poverty line.Flutter, Ethereum

All for Earth

Game for a Change! An interactive video game that would encourage children to use their cognitive skills to think about the current environmental challenges we face.Blender, Adobe Photoshop, C#, Unity 3D

PodCast Studio

A PodCastStudio to .LISTEN. ENJOY. ENTERTAIN.PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, CockRoachDB, 1. XAMPP - As a local sever, Postgress SQL

Dose Wagon

Vaccination On WheelsPHP, JavaScript, XAMPP, CSS3​, HTML5​, Celo, Canva for UI


Encourage....Analyse.....DecentralizeIPFS, Node.js, Flutter, Matic, Rust, Unity 3D, Express, Covalent, Filecoin


Invest, Analyse, and ImmerseReact, TensorFlow, Unity, Python, FastAPI, Nodejs, Covalent, Dune, Huddle01


Blockchain on Your FingertipsSolidity, Twilio, Blockchain, Nodejs, expressjs, Polygon, REvise, Tatum

Shoot Your Friends~

A Decentralized Virqality born in Sui Network and breathing in Spheron ServerExpress.js, Rust, Unity3d, C#, Shaders, React.js, Spheron, move, Sui Network

01 Realm

Unleash the Future of Social Gaming in a 3D NFT UniverseSolidity, IPFS, Infura, Unity, WebGL, pinata, coinbase, BASE


Machine Learning
Unity 3D


  • Enver Studio - Mixed Reality Researcher
    December 2020 - April 2021
    • Developed prominent AR Applications using Unity and various AR SDK's. Includes Vuforia and Google ARCore.
      -Contributed to the design team by brainstorming ideas and developing required design.
  • Dunland MetaLounge - Metaverse Developer
    August 2022 - April 2023
    • Integrating and writing smart contracts to Unity's Ecosystem.
    • Created virtual environment for the metaverse by collaborating with blender team.
    • Developed the multiplayer integration code for various player interactions. Includes Mirror Networking and ReadyPlayerMe.