#1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects

#1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects

Front-end-projects is a Repository where different types of Front - End Projects are present. Algorithms is a Repository for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java Docbook is a Documentation Repo

Created on 21st January 2023

#1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects

#1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects

Front-end-projects is a Repository where different types of Front - End Projects are present. Algorithms is a Repository for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java Docbook is a Documentation Repo

The problem #1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects solves

Front-end-projects is a great repositary for those who are new to open source and web development. It contains several good front-end projects. Those who are new, may get great ideas by running the projects in their own local device. I made a simple Music player which can be used to listen to song. The track also can be downloaded and the playback speed can be changed as well.

Docbook is a documentation repositary. Its a low code repositary, so it makes your documentation skills better and gives you an idea about how open source projects works. Its a great repo for the first timers. I added a Do while Loop document with code for example in this repo.

Algorithms is a repo for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java. It needs documentation skills as well. No doubt its a great repo for the first timers. You also need to have basic knowledge about the algorithm of that particular language. I added cocktail sorting in C++ and radix sorting in C.

Challenges I ran into

In front-end-projects, while making a music player, i was not sure what to name the files, so i took some references from the other existing projects.

In docbook, i had made 3 commits, added 3 kinds of Loops but from the project mentor, I got to know that im allowed to make only one pr meaning i can add any one of the 3 loops, can't add all 3 at once. It was kind of confusing at first as i had some doubts and i didnt know how to revert back the commits but I talked to the mentor on discord and she explained the process to me, cleared all my doubts.

I tried to contribute to another project called "CSS-Designs-Effects" but when trying to clone it, i could not run it on my local device. It keeps on showing me the error " warning : checkout failed". I am not sure why its happening, I will try to resolve this problem later after im done with my semester exams.

Tracks Applied (1)


I created a music player using HTML and CSS, which is a straightforward project. Additionally, it qualifies as a Free an...Read More

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