Full-time Research Intern @QuillAudits | Dev Advocate @RouterProtocol & @PushProtocol | Track Winner @ETHindia | Prev. @RWSGroup
#1 Docbook #2 Algorithms #3 Front-end-projects
Front-end-projects is a Repository where different types of Front - End Projects are present.
Algorithms is a Repository for algorithms in C, C++, Python and Java
Docbook is a Documentation RepoC++, C, CSS3, HTML5GuruSutraAI
Seek Wisdom from Ancient Sages: Let GuruSutraAI Illuminate Your PathHTML, CSS, Flask, Python, JSON, Gunicorn, MlAIvantage
Aivantage: Your Global Health Cart
Revolutionizing medicine shopping. Blockchain secure. Metamask seamless. Welcome to health, upgraded.HTML, CSS, MetaMask, JavaScript, Flask, Ethereum TestRPC, Python, Web3, web3.js, WEB2Crime Diesel
Fighting for Justice, Burning the CrimeMetaMask, JavaScript, Flask, Python, The Graph, Polygon Blockchain, IPFS / Filecoin, Push Protocol, Lighthouse, Polygon ZKEVMLegalTech Alchemy
May Dexter be with youJavaScript, Flask, Python, OpenAi, MongoDB Atlas, HTML/CSS, Streamlit, orkes, langchain, geminiJarvis.ai
Jarvis : Revolutionising AISolidity, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flask, OpenCV, Python, MongoDB, web3.js, PolygonOswald
CI/CD for Web3: Store, audit, & deploy on-chainSolidity, React.js, Polygon, slither, Ai Agents, okto, DevOps, Walrus, quillshield, gitopsSkills
Machine Learning
Blockchain Development
- QuillAudits - Web3 Security 🛡️ - Research Intern