Created on 12th August 2018
Every year approximately 210000 people die due to ill practices due to doctor or by fake doctors and that’s only estimation in USA in over all globe the number will be very disturbing.
To identify who is a verified doctor is always a hard job for common patients and citizens
So to save this many lives due to ill practices we are here to make Dapp to eradicate the root cause or at least not eradicate then decrease the valuable life loss due to this hazard.
IN this project we will be only allowing those doctors to check patients or perform the operations to the identified doctors on our dapp.
Also people totally forget their prescription papers of past medical history and thus they are overcharged by doctors .
If they are under medication then the problems of over dose because of lost records of medical history .
Also if centralized servers are used then they are vulnerable to hacks and then all the medical history is leaked or deleted so it can be solved using block encryption.
The main challenges which we faced were setting up the development framework, we started out with embark framework but its not much compatible to our windows pc unfortunately, then we settled up for truffle. We experimented out with various templates of DApps, but not comming from a WebDev background this project came very overwhelming to us.After lot's of trial and error we successfully deployed out smart-contract on Rinkeby Testnet at