Disease Detector

Disease detector helps in predicting the disease with priority given to utmost accuracy, ensuring anyone and everyone can use it , showcasing innovation, ensuring scalability and henceforth boosting

Created on 5th September 2021


Disease Detector

Disease detector helps in predicting the disease with priority given to utmost accuracy, ensuring anyone and everyone can use it , showcasing innovation, ensuring scalability and henceforth boosting

The problem Disease Detector solves

Health is Wealth and is rightly said so.
The pandemic of Covid-19 has apparently stressed on the significance of healthcare in one's life. We are living and leading our life in an information driven world and harnessing the application of Technology in healthcare becomes an important factor.
Amid such situation ....

Problem Statement
Being a homosapien, human is inflicted with slew of diseases. In this hustling-bustling world, people are so busy in life that they don't have time for upgrading their health. Also unfortunate times like this, wherein people are reluctant to go to the hospitals for the scare of Covid-19. Our webApp apparently provides a portal for such people who can effectively type their symptoms and the webApp will showcase

  • Most Probable disease which the person might be inflicted with
  • It will provide the description of the disease
  • Prevention is better than cure and henceforth it will provide Preventive measures a well.

Challenges we ran into

  1. There was a hurdle in creating this model as we weren't able to get the dataset for our model.
  2. Getting proper accuracy was another rugged work which took never-ending time to complete.
    3)Deploying in into Cloud was another resilient task as it took lot of time to correct and link different files together.


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