
Your Personal Health Examiner

Created on 7th November 2020



Your Personal Health Examiner

The problem DiGi_DoC solves

In these times of the widespread of Covid-19, due to fear of visiting the doctor, other diseases remain untreated. Also with the importance of social distancing from both hospital facility and other patients, a service can provide online cossultation has become essential.

We bring to you DigiDoc, a web based application which provides to you a seamless experience for your consultation.

Patients can sign up and log in, by entering essential details. The users can connect to the family and see their well being.
It includes a chatbot that performs a preliminary diagnosis and tells you the next steps.
Next, you can analyse your chest X-ray and check if you are afflicted from lung diseases.
Most importantly in case of a disease the user can have a video consultation in the comfort of their homes.
We also provide a feature where you can get your real time pulse rate checked.
Next up is the near by pharmacy feature which allows you to get the location of the pharmacies near you.
Last but not the least we visulaize the patient's data for the doctor's end so that he can manage his appointments effciently.

Challenges we ran into

As the hackathon was online we had a tough time to coordinate among ourself.
Another challenge we ran into was of integrating database with frontend.
Deploying OpenCV project on remote server a great challenge for us.
Role based authentication was again a great challenge which we faced.


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