
shubham sharma

I am shubham sharma, I am pre-final year engineering student and currently pursuing B.Tech(CSE) from Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology,Bhopal.

I am a passionate competitive programmer , Android developer and Machine Learning enthusiast. I had worked on various projects, few of them which i want to share are :

  1. THE WASHING LINE APP - I along with one other member had build android apps for the start up named "THE WASHING LINE". This is a laundry based startup which provides laundry services to customers in Bhopal. This includes 2 apps - USER APP and Backend APP.

  2. SORTING VISUALIZER : This project helps in visualizing various sorting algorithms. It is written in HTML , JAVASCRIPT,CSS and Bootstrap.

  3. AI based Tic Tac Toe : This is AI based game played against CPU.It uses Min-Max Algorithm.



Your Personal Health ExaminerFlask, OpenCV, MySQL, WebRTC, Tensorflow & Keras, Chatbot


Your Personal Health ExaminerHTML, Flask, MySQL, WebRTC, Tensorflow & Keras, TransferLearning

The Hosteller App

dgfML Kit, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Andriod Studio


adsdFirebase, Android SDK, Google Maps API, Firestore


We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone.💉Firebase, ML Kit, Flutter, Firestore


sdfsfFirebase, Android SDK, Firestore

Campus Caller

A Platform that ensures your safe return to your campusFirebase, Android, Java, Firestore


Machine Learning
Android Developement
Computer vision Python
Java XML