Your Personal Health Examiner

Created on 1st November 2020



Your Personal Health Examiner

The problem DIGIDOC solves

In these times of the widespread of Covid-19, due to fear of visiting the doctor, other diseases remain untreated. Also with the importance of social distancing from both hospital facility and other patients, a service can provide online cossultation has become essential.

We bring to you DigiDoc, a web based application which provides to you a seamless experience for your consultation.

Patients can sign up and log in, by entering essential details. The users can connect to the family and see their well being.
It includes a chatbot that performs a preliminary diagnosis and tells you the next steps.
Next, you can analyse your chest X-ray and check if you are afflicted from lung diseases.
Most importantly in case of a disease the user can have a video consulatation in the comfort of their homes.
We also provide a feature where you can get your pulse rate checked.
-Calculation of pulse rate
-Classification of X Ray report
-VideoChat using WebRTC
-Visulization of patient's data at doctor's end
-Visualization of patient's family data at patient's end

Challenges we ran into

Integrating database with frontend</br>
Deploying OpenCV project on remote server
Role based authentication


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