
From Depression to Deep Rest

The problem Denihify solves

This problem of mental well being is again and again struck to an individual by this crooked world and the one thing that a teen, a college student or a working professional needs is a person whom he/she can talk to freely about this situation without being judged.
Our site provides the user with a human-like chatbot that provides the individual with a person to talk to while simultaneously giving the individual a place where he/she can vent their problems. The bot using AI will analyze the range of depression one is going through (with the help of Tone Analyzer i.e being integrated with IBM watson assistant). The Treatment will be further directed after the further response from the user and will include daily tasks (made to help the individual fight his/her depression) while simultaneously being rewarded for doing so.
Our store of daily tasks include tasks like meditation, daily journaling, etc that help to provide the user with a sense of well being and self love.
We also include a set of special tasks which reward further points to the individual which then can be used to buy exciting stuff from our store of items.
The user need to update the site after completing each task and is rewarded accordingly.
We further plan to incorporate chat rooms which connect people of same status quo and let them interact and try to help each other.

Challenges we ran into

To integrate maximun number of possible questions in chat bot, with all the possibilites a normal human could ask .To integrate Tone analyzer with Watson Assistant was the most challenging task.
