delance is a decentralised portal for freelancers.
While researching for our idea, we found out that we, as freelancers have to take care of everything ourselves, i.e. finding work, dealing with clients, managing our own finances, taking care of our family, holding various hackathons and what not. We propose a solution where all the transactions of the freelancing space get stored on a blockchain (currently eth, but may later release our own token). There will be no middle man in the procedure hence, the procedure is more transparent and secure. There is no currency conversion, all transactions are done in ETH.
Our future scope includes getting predictions of prices with various ML algorithms and creating teams and outsourcing work to each other and rewarding the one who worked on a specific module.
The escrow is stored in a specific contract which can bt retrieved only by agrement between the two parties.It consists of below features: 1.skill matching 2.Chat box
Currently, delance is not fully developed. Will be done so in the future.