We solved two major problem's in current centralized fianance system 1. Trade and 2. Lending and borrowing (suggested in problem statement) breaking the borders !! Evething is governd by smart-contract (code) people can verify, audit the logic and use it !!!!
In current centralized finance system there are physical market makers to handle liquidiy in cex, we have build a DEX which has AMM, normal people can come to add liquidity, win rewards for adding liquidity, if a person wants to trade he can easily do that, anyone can look at logic, audit it, plus there is no need to custody you money in an exchange !!!
Current financial has huge problem in lending an borrowing too, banks lends money to big player and common people has hard time getting loans, our DApp help p2p lending and borrowing, to add some authenticity currently this feature is kyc gated.
We did in-depth research on different dex's available currently like sushiswap, curve etc and also tried figuring which is best AMM suited for use is xy = k or xy=kx etc and we implemented the trade/swap logic from scratch
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