
Aadil Saudagar

Hi there, I'm Aadil, a software developer with 2 years of experience developing multiple projects in the MERN stack. MERN has been my go-to technology stack for developing web applications because of its flexibility, scalability, and the fact that it allows me to build full-stack web applications with a single language - JavaScript.

My experience with MERN has allowed me to work on a wide range of projects, including e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and content management systems. One of my most recent projects was a music streaming platform that allows users to stream and download songs, create playlists, and share music with their friends.

When it comes to MERN, I'm well-versed in MongoDB, which is a NoSQL database that allows me to store data in a JSON-like format. I also have experience in designing and optimizing databases to ensure optimal performance. Express, a minimalist web application framework for Node.js, is also one of my strong suits, and I have used it extensively to create APIs that connect the front-end and back-end of a web application.



Feel the Music.Solidity, React, Firebase, ethers.js, Ethereum, Blockchain, Hardhat


Decentralized Bank of Academic CreditSolidity, ethers.js, Ethereum, React js, Hardhat, Chakra UI

DeFi Lego

Transforming finance, one block at a timeNext.js, ethers.js, Ethereum, Hardhat, Polygon, Filecoin, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Polygonscan, Polygon Blockchain, IPFS / Filecoin

Smart chain

Revolutionizing Supply Chain with Decentralization: Efficiency, Transparency, and Trust.IPFS, Next.js, Ethereum, Hardhat, Polygon, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, IPFS / Filecoin

