Created on 10th December 2023
Key Challenges:
1.Opaque Certifications: Traditional certifications lack transparency, making it challenging for employers to verify the authenticity of a candidate's skills.
2.Centralized Reputation Systems: Current reputation systems are often centralized, limiting their reliability and hindering individuals from accurately showcasing their expertise.
3.Trust Deficit: The absence of a decentralized and standardized approach to identity verification leads to a trust deficit between employers and candidates.
How Our Project Solves These Problems:
1.Soul Bound Tokens (SBTs): Introducing SBTs, which are minted by whitelisted organizations, provides a tamper-proof representation of an individual's certifications. This ensures transparency and authenticity in the skills showcased by candidates.
2.Endorsements: By allowing users with SBTs to endorse others, we create a peer-driven endorsement system. This not only fosters a trust-based ecosystem but also adds an additional layer of validation to a user's skills.
3.Dynamic Reputation System: The reputation score, calculated dynamically based on the number of SBTs received and endorsements given and received, serves as a comprehensive proof of an individual's proficiency. This decentralized reputation system brings reliability and fairness to the assessment of an individual's capabilities.
Whitelisted Organization Onboarding:
How to actually authenticate Organizations. We tried to solve this problem using whitelisting organization addresses in the smart contract (providing passwords to each) and then login .Onboarding whitelisted organizations and ensuring a smooth process for them to mint SBTs. Providing user-friendly interfaces and documentation will be crucial to encourage organizations to participate.
Graphical Leaderboard Implementation:
Implementing an interactive leaderboard with a visually appealing graph can be challenging. Ensuring real-time updates and responsiveness while providing an engaging user experience requires careful design and development.
Sending a single certificate as SBT is a time consuming process and not gas efficient.
We implemented multi batch transactions to solve this problem.
Also provide a way to extract data from a csv file which contains addresses and the certificate metadata to ease the process of sending bulk certificates at once.
How to incentivise users
Just being able to showcase Skills as SBTs is not enough, how do we actually get the users to interact with the platform.
Allow users to endorse other users based on their skills.
Mint another endorsement SBT with same metadata
We need to make the website even more interactive for users.
The Reputation Score incentivizes users to seek endorsements and showcase their skills. Peer-driven endorsements, represented by SBTs, add an extra layer of credibility to an individual's profile, fostering a trust-based ecosystem.
Users with higher Reputation Scores gain a competitive edge in the job market. Employers are more likely to prioritize candidates with proven expertise and a strong reputation, contributing to career advancement opportunities
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