I'm highly motivated and enthusiastic about learning. I am known for finishing projects ahead of schedule, which I believe is especially important when things are constantly changing and evolving. I take the initiative and am constantly thinking of new ways to solve problems without waiting for instructions. I'm also always up to date on the latest trends and eager to try new things.
I'm majoring in AI and Data Science and intend to continue the same in future. I'm good at developing frontend and creating ML models. My preferred languages are HTML, CSS, Python, Java and JavaScript. The frameworks I usually work with are React.js, Node.js, Flask, Django.
Capture2TextDjango, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, cnnDeCAT
On-chain Certification and Reputation system for revolutionizing job market.Solidity, OpenZeppelin, Remix IDE, reactjs, Hardhat, Ethers, Lighthouse.storage, IPFS Storage, Metamask EOAVerifAI
Building a AI-based Reputation Ecosystem for On-chain intellectual assets.Solidity, IPFS, OpenZeppelin, ethers.js, Hardhat, Polygon, Lighthouse.storage, anon-aadhar, Avail, LumioEco-Fi
Empowering Eco-conscious DeFI.Solidity, Next.js, ethers.js, TypeScript, Ethereum, chakraui, ThirdWeb, PolygonZkevmTALENT FORGE
Forging Careers, Empowering TalentFlask, Python, MongoDB, Webscraping, Ml, Nodejs, React.js, NLP, Word2Vec, StreamlitSkills
Artificial Intelligence
Basic of Python