Cypher Sync

Cypher Sync

A cloudverse where users can store their files, write notes and books in markdown, and create blogs as simple as any other web2 cloud service.

Created on 25th June 2023

Cypher Sync

Cypher Sync

A cloudverse where users can store their files, write notes and books in markdown, and create blogs as simple as any other web2 cloud service.

The problem Cypher Sync solves

There are many problems it solves or tries to, here are a few:

  1. Makes Cloud as backbone and builds a useful Dapp on top of it which people can use in their day to day life. All made possible thanks to Dataverse OS which is one stop for all things Web3.
  2. Makes IPFS and pinning services i.e decentralized storage accessible and useable for all.
  3. Makes the onboarding process easier for average web2 user for auth to buying crypto for first time using Particle Network.
  4. Preventing Spam attacks on any cloud based service using Lit Actions.
  5. Decentralizing from RPC level to Personal Storage using BlockPi and Dataverse OS.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into a lot of challenges but here are the majour ones:

  1. Intergration of Dataverse OS with Particle and Lit was challenging.
  2. Coming up with user workflow for both web2 and web3 user and smooth transitioning.
  3. Handling error as many things were still in beta

Note: We still have to monetize the whole app but for the hackathon more focus was given on giving utility to users as their won't be many anyways.

Tracks Applied (5)


1) Dataverse OS is the backbone of our Dapp 2) Dataverse Wallet helped us in connecting both web3 wallets and Particle w...Read More

Ceramic Network

We used dataverse docker ceramic node and compose db to run and test composable backends for our apps as we need same sc...Read More


Lit Protocol

We used Lit Actions to prevent Spam attacks from happening to our services like cloud and markdown editor by restricting...Read More

Lit Protocol

Particle Network

1) Particle network helped us onboard user which are new to web3 and making our app accessible for all. 2) It also helpe...Read More

Particle Network

BlockPI Network

BlockPi's RPC and aggregator helped us decentralize our RPC calls using RPCHub to get a local end point with more than o...Read More

BlockPI Network


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