
Omkar Darde

I am Omkar Darde, an undergrad student from IIT Roorkee. I have been in this blockchain domain for quite some time and I love to code in solidity and Like to Design related to Web3.0. I also cleared the screening round of Summer Of Bitcoin. Studying in this college delve me in various extracurricular activities like working as a Core Team member at BlockChain Society, group of Blockchain enthusiasts aiming to unite the blockchain community of IIT Roorkee, in a highly collaborative environment that is open for all. The Club has open collaborations on fun projects, and quirky discussions on crypto, Defi, Web3.0 and beyond.



Proof of ownership in time of your most important works and thoughts backed by the power of Hashing & Merkle trees.Solidity, Redux, React.js, Polygon, Web3.Storage, IPFS / Filecoin, Quicknode, Push Protocol

Cross Chat

Chat with other chains from the comfort of your chain.Ethereum, Polygon, Replit, Avalanche, Router Protocol, Cross-Talk

Astral Deck

Fairly Exchanging Uambiguous simultaneous Information/good on Public Ledegers.React, Redux, ethers.js, Polygon, Replit, Web3.Storage, IPFS / Filecoin, Zeeve

Cypher Sync

A cloudverse where users can store their files, write notes and books in markdown, and create blogs as simple as any other web2 cloud service.next, Lit Protocol, Particle Network, Dataverse OS, BlockPI Network


A 3D Sanbox Game built on top of SUI utilizing it's fluid object based contract apporach.Three.JS, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Zustand, Dapp-SDK, Sui-Cli, Sui-Wallet


Step into an expansive open-world gaming metaverse on L2, boasting low latency and scalable in-game communication with live audio and video.WebSockets, Three.JS, Express, React.js, Huddle01, Mantle, Waku, React Three Fibre, Sockets.io


Beyond screens, into the realm: Websocket-powered 3D immersion on EVM via Tableland and DataverseOS.React, JavaScript, ethers.js, Three.JS, TypeScript, ERC721, Hardhat, TableLand, Solidiy

