
Convert your land into a crypto currency to invest your extra money in the growing market of real estate.



Convert your land into a crypto currency to invest your extra money in the growing market of real estate.

The problem CryptoEstate solves

The prices of the real estate properties are quite high. Often times it is not feasible for a person to invest the whole amount. Crypto Estate addresses this problem by representing assets as ERC1155 tokens. The ERC-721 standard's Token ID is a single non-fungible index and the group of these non-fungibles is deployed as a single contract with settings for the entire collection. In contrast, the ERC-1155 Multi Token Standard allows for each Token ID to represent a new configurable token type, which may have its own metadata, supply and other attributes. Thus, the ERC 1155 brings together the features of ERC20 and ERC721. The land can be traded using these tokens having monetary value according to the real estate market. This way the land can be sold in chunks just as stocks and profit can be redeemed as per the users' requirement.

Challenges we ran into

We faced to main challenges:

  1. Representation of real estate property as an ERC 1155 token:
    It is a fairly new interface with very few resources to follow up on. Being the beginners in blockchain, it was a huge task for us to understand about these standards and implement them. Being a combination of ERC20 and ERC721, it is a fairly complex standard to implement and took a lot of time to bring into action.
  2. Bugs in backend-frontend Configurations:
    We used node.js for backend and express for creating apis. Web3 has many bugs unresolved and unpredictable. Integrating these while facing these unexplainable bugs took a toll on us. But finally we are here with the projects. All's well that ends well!

Technologies used
