Created on 25th January 2022
Crowd Funding campaigns have been around for a long time and is proven helpful for a lot amount for people who needs money. But with that comes a lot of ambiguity about the disbursing of funds, the authority controlling it and the authenticity of the person asking for the funds. Moreover, there are no clarity about the transaction and if the authority is truly giving away the funds.
To solve these problems, Decentralization plays an important role. Implementation of Blockchain in the Crowd Funding domain removes the need of a Third Party controlling the funds and shows the clear details about the transaction makes sure the recepient gets the full amount after the authenticity being approved by the contributors to the fund. This allows contributors to get back their money if they find something suspicious.
Hence, CrowdChain comes with a fully secured and transparent solution faced by current crowd funding platforms
Future Plans:
To deploy it into Polygon Blockchain so that the users dont have to pay gas fees hence making the project more accessible
The Integration of IPFS was a bit challenging and connecting it with Infura. With the help of docs and tutorials it was made possible. Some transactions wre not possible dur to gas fees or amount of contributions. Such bugs have been fixed.