Created on 10th December 2023
CRIME DIESEL stands as a groundbreaking Decentralized App, operating seamlessly on web applications, committed to curbing the rising tide of crime and illegal activities globally. It goes beyond being just a crime management storage system, offering a comprehensive solution for various crime-related challenges.
At its core, CRIME DIESEL addresses the need for data immutability, transparency, and global accessibility, employing blockchain technology to eradicate intermediaries and streamline processes, ultimately reducing costs.
One of its primary features is empowering both common citizens and government officials to swiftly register new cases or FIRs securely through their Metamask accounts, ensuring privacy and security. Leveraging the privacy features of WEB3, users can remain anonymous to official organizations, safeguarding their personal information. The cases are subject to government officials' jurisdiction for approval and resolution, with the added functionality for officials to contribute evidences to the immutable storage, fostering collaboration.
Moreover, CRIME DIESEL introduces end-to-end chat encryption, allowing seamless communication between users and organizations using their Metamask wallet IDs. The inclusion of a systematic notification system ensures that stakeholders stay informed promptly, especially when a new FIR is registered. This project represents a WEB3 solution addressing a WEB2 problem, redefining the landscape of crime management with its innovative and user-centric approach.
Our major challenge arose from integrating Flask and JavaScript in our tech stack, as we lacked comprehensive resources and documentation for these cutting-edge technologies in both React and Node.js.
The process of running Push Protocol and Light House proved to be quite cumbersome, primarily due to challenges related to Node.js.
Selecting the optimal ecosystem for executing the smart contract while minimizing gas fees posed a significant dilemma for us.
We experienced prolonged interruptions caused by issues with LAN and WiFi network connections.
Tracks Applied (5)
The Graph
Push Protocol
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