COVID free shopping

This application is designed to solve the problem of line queuing in mass public oriented places like shops/malls and 1 tier showrooms to avoid crowd gathering.


COVID free shopping

This application is designed to solve the problem of line queuing in mass public oriented places like shops/malls and 1 tier showrooms to avoid crowd gathering.

The problem COVID free shopping solves

In stores, shops or supermarkets this will be very helpful in this pandemic time of COVID-19. It’ll allow maintaining a limited number of customers inside and ignore crowd hence, leading to social distancing. Customers served on a first come, first basis. Assigns token number to your smart phone and provides real time tracking of current processing token number. This application requires an input of maximum persons that can accommodate in so as to ensure people are safe with distancing.

Challenges we ran into

The most significant challenge was, we were unable to make changes from the page where the User takes generates token to the Shopkeeper's database. After some research we got to a conclusion that we can access the Shopkeeper's database's by their IDs and can make changes there.
We were stuck at Algorithms at some point.
