Pre final year student pursuing CS degree with a demonstrated working experience in data structures, algorithms and problem solving skills. Skilled in C++, Python and Java and work on technologies like NLP, App Dev ,etc.
COVID free shopping
This application is designed to solve the problem of line queuing in mass public oriented places like shops/malls and 1 tier showrooms to avoid crowd gathering.HTML, Bootstrap, Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDBCovMedic
It creates a UI which can help people to get information on covid and fetch their results from any lab.NumPy, Tkinter, Python, JSON, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow & Keras, nltkStratoFox
Learn to build your own near-space balloon and be an astronaut.Firebase, Android, Android Studio, Figma, Kotlin, Firestore, Firebase AuthenticationFlutter Portfolio
A Flutter for Web implementation to make a simple portfolio listing projects and social linksDart, FlutterRakshak - The Emergency Circuit Response System
A multi-platform operated via voice, text and image sensing that helps people stuck in emergency situations like disasters and calamities. It has a voice bot via IVR system and chatbot.React, Node.js, WebSockets, Cloud computing, Flutter, TwilSkills
Google Cloud Platform