Code Piece

Changing the world of gaming, one piece at a time

The problem Code Piece solves

As developers, during any new project, we spend a lot of time in setting up our dev environments and bootstrapping code. Everybody hates doing the same repetitive work. We wanted to remove some of the hassle and make things simpler for new developersfor multiplayer games. We have built a framework, which lets the developers only worry about the core logic about their game. This framework provides them a platform to create multiplayer games which one can enjoy with family or friends.

Challenges we ran into

Some of the initial hurdles we faced were finalizing on the specification of our framework which allows enough freedom to the developer while also allowing us to control data flow. We wanted to build api endpoints for communication between services to ensure a hassle free experience for the developer. We also hit a few roadblocks while figuring out the FSM in order to cover as many corner cases as possible.

Technologies used
