Cityzen - Your Local Guide

Our project aims to provide as a local guide to a student/person arriving to a completele alien city and know nothing about the of any services/amenities by providing information about the same.

Built at SpaceJam
Top 15

Cityzen - Your Local Guide

Our project aims to provide as a local guide to a student/person arriving to a completele alien city and know nothing about the of any services/amenities by providing information about the same.

The problem Cityzen - Your Local Guide solves

When students move to a different city, state or a country for study purposes, most of them do not have any relatives or friends living in the same city. They end up spending a lot of money unnecessarily. Our app (solution) is designed in such a way that the students receive input directly from the locals. You might have a question, why not just use google? But google wants you to search for a particular thing or doesn’t give the desired result all the time and prefers flashy restaurants over the local ones. Many a times the person doesn’t know what to search. Our app has inbuilt input from the locals and must know words, phrases, sentences etc. and other stuff which is important for a student to know when conversing with the locals. Also, in order to avoid long queues, the user can use the app to directly order food online from the local food joints and then do a take-out unlike apps like Swiggy, Zomato which only shows flashy/expensive restaurants. Then there's an all important feature of our app, the Forums which facilitates easy communication between the user and the locals over any matter the user has doubt on.
We intend to add many more features to the app we planned before the hackathon, but couldn't implement due to time constraints. This app is a guide to a new city but student friendly.

Challenges we ran into

Using firebase as a database to access questions
Storing data
Android Studio gradle errors
Android studio dependency error
