Well, coding has been my area of interest since 9th grade specially robotics oriented. I am knowledgeable to some extent in C++ and Arduino. I have built quite a few things in Arduino like a home automation system, wireless controller multipurpose drone car etc. I look forward to extend my knowledge in coding though, specially Python language which I am not too proficient at. Also, I am learning app development in android studio right now and been at it for 2 weeks now.
Cityzen - Your Local Guide
Our project aims to provide as a local guide to a student/person arriving to a completele alien city and know nothing about the of any services/amenities by providing information about the same.Firebase, Java, Android Studio, Android SDK, GitHub, Google FormsBarterChain
You cannot barter security for freedom, or freedom for security. The trade of technologyHTML, Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub, Ethereum, echoARZemoo-ETHIndia
A web3-ecommerce platform focused on implementing Proof Of Personhood and minting/issuing a NFT anytime they buy a product aliasing actual world delivery and using WorldCoin for incentivising users.Next.js, Remix IDE, Tailwind CSS, Biconomy SDK, Hardhat, NFTPort, Valist, WorldCoin ID APK ServiceHireX - ETHIndia 2023
A Web3 job-building platform aimed at start-ups to express-hire the right talent with portfolios credited by the network, by staking on projects.React, MetaMask, TypeScript, Remix (IDE), Hardhat, Polygon, IPFS / Filecoin, Huddle01 StreamingSkills
Android Developement