Created on 27th February 2021
I used Ethereum and Matic Network, and frontend detect both network. This simplify the process of NFT publishing. Technically we focused gas efficiancy. We provide gas efficiant NFT publish, 1 NFT publish only consts 70000-80000, it is about 3 times less than other platforms. We use onchain and IPFS data only for creating this NFT.
Our service provide multichain, currently support Ethereum and Matic, user can choose which blockchain is used for creating NFT.
We want to make it as super gas efficient platform. So we spent lot of time for analysing solidity coding. We used mapping instead of structure, and try to remove local variable and so on... Firstly the gas cost is more than 300000, but aftre lot of invesitgation it becomes 70000.
Also, we want to make it as multi chain platform, so I analysed dev docs for Matic network as well.