
A solution crafted towards solving the problem of getting medicines in this pandemic.

The problem Capsule solves

This is Capsule. An app which helps you get medicines from the pharmacies near you. In this lockdown situation, when essentialia like medicines and grocery are being delivered by ordering through mediums like Whatsapp, we thought why not create something which helps you order medicines from your phone seamlessly. This lists all the pharmacies near you who have signed up using the app and helps you order medicines from them, just as easy as ordering your favourite pizza. This not only saves time and is a lot cleaner approach to order stuff, this also helps the shopkeepers keep track of their orders rather than having to maintain a register or having to scourge through huge registers to get the orders delivered.

Challenges we ran into

Firstly, we really wanted to implement a Live Location Feature in which the Admin device sends out location to the client device through firebase and the client device plots it on a MapView. The sending part of location was successful, but due to some reason Google Maps did not appear on the client device, and thus we could not plot the location even after a lot of head banging and trying 100s of solutions.
