Hello! I am a person who enjoys working and tinkering around with tech. I love to hack my way out of daily errands, to make my life easier. I believe in automating things and doing things efficiently. I am a student, who loves making Android apps. The most complex project I am currently working on is a chat app that is based on Android and uses Firebase for its backend. Apart from that, I love making great UI and believe in keeping it simple and minimal. I also am a flutter developer and I keep on working on small apps which are mostly UI UX oriented.
Aura is a mood assistant which senses a person's mood, recognizes the current mood and plays songs accordingly.AndroidMoody
A plugin that helps you relaxFlask, TensorFlow, Keras, Dart, Python, FlutterCovid19 Classifier
To detect and classify various types of pneumonias from chest X-ray with a pre-trained Resnet50 Convolutional neural networkDeep Learning, ImageNET, Convolutional neural network (CNN), FastaiCapsule
A solution crafted towards solving the problem of getting medicines in this pandemic.Firebase, Android, Firebase AuthenticationSkills