

Cac2O is decentralized 3D game developed by us in Unity. In this game Cactus which should drink water and avoid dirt for survival.

Created on 4th December 2022



Cac2O is decentralized 3D game developed by us in Unity. In this game Cactus which should drink water and avoid dirt for survival.

The problem Cac2O solves

There is considerable overlap between the blockchain community and the gaming community. Tech-savvy people who are fascinated by blockchain also tend to be people who are interested in and actively participate in gaming. This has been seen in the popularity of NFTs in the gaming sector where many rare and valuable NFTs are traded within games. We planned to build this project to make people aware about the enviornmental issue that we are facing. It include water scarcity as a main concern so we had deployed a cactus that is in hunger of water and cannot survive without it. Blockchain technology protects the security and transparency of players' data and gives them increased confidence when playing games.
A decentralized system is crucial for ensuring the freedom of participants.Because blockchain technology is based on a distributed ledger, decentralized nodes connected to the blockchain network create persistent storage for decentralized gaming environments, allowing players to replay previous games over a longer period of time as records are stored on chain.

Challenges we ran into

Firstly we had a plan that we would be deploying this game on Unity. We got to Make the the connection with the web 3 with the help of chainsafe sdk which was a good thing to do because it had most of the libraries that would be required for a complete begineer to make a game. The challenges we face were that the most of the documentation of various githubs were not to the point we had to see how the solidity and unity would actually work together. As Unity is a C# focused game engine and EVM has Solidity it was not easy to make the transformation betweeen this languages we did it by converting solidity code in C#.

Tracks Applied (6)

General Storage Track

Protocol Labs









FVM Track

Protocol Labs

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